Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School!!!

Well, it finally came...the first day of school! We've had such a lovely summer, but now we've gotta get back into the groove of elementary school and all it entails.

Lauren & David's teachers were a surprise until "Meet the Teacher Night" last Thursday. Lauren has a new teacher, Ms. Lonergan (formerly a helper last year), who seems very sweet. David's teacher just happens to be the mother of Lauren's best school friend Emery, Mrs. Crockett. I've had the opportunity to get to know Julie Crockett & her family a little more than most teachers and I'm thoroughly impressed. I'm confident David will have a great year, as I'm certain Lauren will also.

While Lauren was most excited about her three recesses today (not typical, I'm sure), the first thing David wanted to show me after school was his locker. In addition to the thrill of having a locker, he tells me he looks forward to learning cursive & division. Lauren, on the other hand, was more concerned w/ sneaking a (apparently over-ripe)tomato into her (brand new) back pack to give to her mommy as a present. The whole tomato didn't make it home. I'll leave the rest to your imagination...

Well, we've all had a fun, though tiresome, day and I believe I'll close for now. We hope & pray all is well with our friends & family. Here's a favorite Bible verse to end on:

Proverbs 3:1-8
"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life, and peace they will add to you. Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holly's 6 Month Check-Up...The Stats

Good Evening!

Today Holly & I went to her 6 month check-up w/ Dr. Garb (yes, she is almost 7 months old but for one reason or another her appointments are slightly off). He has been our pediatrician since we moved here when David was about 14 months old. My, that seems like yesterday instead of over 7 years ago!!!

Our last visit to Dr. Garb's office for Holly's 4 month check-up had left us a little shaken. She had been consistently falling off of her growth curve & by the time she was 4 1/2 months she was down to the 3rd percentile in the weight category at around 11 lbs. Today she surprised us all by weighing in at a whopping 18 lbs. thus rocketing her into the 75th percentile!!! Her head measurement (for those who are interested) was 16 5/8" (30th percentile) & her length was 26 1/8" (50th percentile). All in all she, like the rest of the family, is as healthy as a horse. The only other things the doctor did mention were the very slight umbilical hernia she has which will rectify itself eventually as her abdominal muscles develop and she also has the smallest of heart murmurs. Dr. Garb said that this is very common & should also heal itself in time.

God is good. We are so incredibly thankful that our little Holly is healthy & growing as she should. She's also such a JOY to be around 24/7, that's for sure. We couldn't be more blessed!!!

Her major accomplishment of late is her ability to sit unsupported! While we never leave her side just yet, she can sit by herself for quite sometime w/out anyone or anything helping her. Yeah Holly!!! She also loves to flip herself over in bed to look at her mobile. In the mornings we wake to her flailing her arms & legs as hard as she can after rolling onto her back so to make the butterflies on her mobile dance as entertainment until we come to get her. If it weren't for the very loud whopping of her legs & arms on her bed as well as the constant rhythm of her crib knocking against the wall, we wouldn't know she was awake. She doesn't make a peep aside from talking to the flowers on her bumper occasionally. :)

I've included some pics from our trip to a friend's pool yesterday. David & Lauren had such a nice time in the water, but Holly was content to sunbathe w/ her Nana. After a hard afternoon of swimming, we came home & made s'mores over the gas stove before going to bed. What a great day!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, July 20th 2009

Good Evening!

This is a new concept to me, so please be patient as I learn to post events of our family as well as pictures. We live a fairly quite life so don't expect earth-shattering news or edge-of-your-seat excitement, but the occasional updates as to Holly's development as well as tidbits of humor from the mouths of Lauren & David may bring you a smile.

This picture was taken at the City Museum in St. Louis on July 2nd. What an incredible, almost indescribable place! This was our second visit (the first being two years ago). They continue to add more personality each year. Since we were there last they've open up the roof where you can ride a ferris wheel, walk through the fountain (it looks like you're walking on water), slide down the super-fast & super-long slide, & walk through the school bus that's hanging precariously (or so it looks) off the edge of the 11th story. Our family pic was taken inside one of the many breath-taking rooms. This one is designed to look like you're in a cave, complete w/ stalagmites & stalactites. Adding to the atmosphere of the cave was the incredible 1924 Wurlitzer Pipe Organ once played in the Ravioli Theater in New York City
exploding w/ songs such as the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Phantom of the Opera theme music. Considering that in order to appreciate the entire scope of the museum you need to practically crawl through it (much of it consists of a series of interwoven tunnels ingeniously designed to lead you through ceiling, floor, & giant sculputures alike); we'll try to make our next visit when Holly's a little older.

Before I end, I'd like to express appreciation to all of our family & friends. The love & friendship you bring to our lives is precious to us. We are also unceasingly grateful for the beautiful Christ-like examples that so many of you provide for us & our children.

Goodnight & God Bless!
Ps.alms 146:1-2